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Student Loan Debts, 미국 학자금 대출 규모

by 하마타 2023. 5. 31.

Report Highlights. Student loan debt in the United States totals $1.757 trillion. The debt accumulation rate is slowing, and recent analytics indicate that most consumers manage their student loan debt responsibly.

  • The outstanding federal loan balance is $1.635 trillion and accounts for 93.1% of all student loan debt.
  • 43.8 million borrowers have federal student loan debt.
  • The average federal student loan debt balance is $37,338 while the total average balance (including private loan debt) may be as high as $40,114.
  • Less than 2% of private student loans enter default as of 2021’s fourth financial quarter (2021 Q4).
  • The average public university student borrows $31,410 to attain a bachelor’s degree.

미국 학자금 대출 1.757조 달러 중에 연방정부가 가진 대출잔액이 1.635조 달러로 전체대출액중 93.1%를 차지하며

4380만명의 대출자가 있으며, 연방정부에 인당 평균 $37,338 대출금이 있으며, 사적대출까지 포함하면 인당 평균 $ 40,114의 대출이 있으며 21년 4분기 기준 전체의 2%가 디폴트상태이며 공립대학을 졸업하기위해 평균 $31,410의 대출을 받음






Student Loan Debt Statistics [2023]: Average + Total Debt

Find student loan debt statistics, including the national debt balance, average individual balance, and annual growth rates.




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